Saturday, 28 August 2010

Scottish Football

I think everyone and their monkey has commented on the state of Scottish Football after last thursday, but I won't let that stop me. If you're unaware, 3 teams playing in Europe from Scotland that night, 3 teams lost. Why are we so shit? Money talks now in football, it's taken the game away from the fans. It was a working class sport, now you have to support a team, it's "trendy" to do so, and it's killing the game, especially in England. They may win in Europe, and co uld this year, but long term? How far apart can you take the players and keep the game running. I'm getting distant from the game, I support Aberdeen and will watch when they're on guaranteed, but seeing an English premiership game on a Sunday does not interest me that much anymore.

But getting back to the original point, Scottish teams in Europe. The song should go "We're shit, and we know we are". Celtic claim to be a big team still, so do Rangers. Only in past reputations, which are being destroyed. No Scottish team seems to know how to play against a half decent team, who can keep the ball down and actually play, Italian 3rd division level. Football is about Money now, and we don't pay English League 2 levels, but that isn't the main reason. The main reason in my view is that no-one plays the game anymore, not like they used to. Hell, even when I was a wean 20 something years ago we played in the street, doesn't happen now. Tell me the last time you saw a group of kids playing in your local park, just for fun. I can't remember. Players get rich off the game, and the kids want to get that money, but don't want to put in the effort. Too many people now think that they should be able to be famous, just for being famous - see Big Brother, or Kate Price/Jordan. The attitude is I'm owed by the world, I'm brilliant and you can't see it. Talent may out eventually, but it's getting hidden by the idiots going on X-Factor with no talent but being "wacky" and becoming known.

I've gone well off where I started here, but will leave it in. One last point, why do people buy into these things, that Jordan (person not country) is actually worth watching or listening to. Is that what you want from the world. I don't.

It's been a while

just coming back to this, will be blogging more soon, to anyone who falls over this by accident, but just been storing stuff up last few months with everything that's been going on in my life. Redundancy is becoming ever more real, and jobs are getting harder to come by, never been easy in the Hebrides at the best of times. Don't want to leave the way things are, parents getting older and I'd like to be around with them while I can. Morbid thought I know but if you can't face things you'll never be comfortable as yourself.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Electoral Reform

Haven't written here for a while, not been busy so much but been watching elections, Debates (and Dr Who but that's for another entry after a couple more episodes). As things stand now we have a hung, or balanced if you prefer, parliament in the UK. And the Lib Dems are talking to the Conservative party, and twitter and others are going nuts. You voted this outcome, these are the consequences, deal with em. I don't want a Conservative Government, I don't trust David Cameron, I think with them you really don't want to get old, or be poor, or be ill but this is the hands we the voters have dealt the politicos, and they will do their deals and we will be left to watch what they do. And hope they don't screw it up to badly. I do not think a lib dem/conservative coalition has any mileage, the tories will not give proper Electoral reform and if the lib dems do a deal without it they will lose too much credibility. Equally much as I'd like it, I can't see a Lib Dem labour deal either, we are likely to have Minority Tory Government, for a while at least. Labour sold it soul in the 90's to get elected, and are now not the party of the people, just the nearest thing, we need to get rid of some of their dumber ideas (DEBill for one) and get back a peoples party, who represents us. Electoral Reform is a must, AV+ voting system as suggested by Jenkins report in 1990s, abolition of the house of Lords and a new system of government.

One thought I had on this was we have a scottish parliament, and Welsh Assembly. Get an English parliament sorted, make the Current British Parliament a senior (revising) chamber to all 3 with defence and some budget powers and everything else in the other parliaments. Whether that would work I have no idea, but it can't be worse then what we have. In any shake up, the place I live will lose it's direct MP as we become part of a bigger constituency, we must be one of the smallest in uk after all, but we must represent how people vote, and first past the post does not do that. Not anymore. Changing electoral boundaries as tories want, and labour did, is gerrymandering on a national scale, and does nothing to resolve the major issue. David Cameron says he wants to make all votes count the same. The right step for that is Proportional Representation, but I don't want Party lists as we'll just get clones coming in who will do as told. Top up lists are ok with some directly elected MPs, but we have to do something.

Friday, 12 March 2010

What do I want?

Discovered yesterday that I can keep my job for 6 months before they make me redundant. I want to keep earning, but I'm not convinced that I'm getting the best deal taking the companys offer. Although it means I have work for 6 months, but they get someone to work for them, and they've got too few of the pool to keep working for them. Will stay as have nothing else, and increase redundancy as go over another year during the time, but learnt things about people during the process that means I can never trust them again. Still consider them friends, but workwise I'd see them far enough

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Is it just me?

Think about Jon Venables a minute. He commited an appaling crime, and should not have been released when he was, but he did get released after what I think was an extremely short time for what he did, and we have to deal with that. I'm just not sure when we became a society obsessed with revenge. Some of the comments I've read from people have been horrific. He was 10 years old, but some people think he should have been hanged for it then. Think about that for a second if you agree with their views, you'd kill a 10 year old, whatever he did that isn't the answer. Whatever he's done now, is there a reason for us to be told? Guilt has been predetermined, although if they've recalled him to jail with all the issues that brought up he probably has done something serious, but a fair trial would be impossible and that's a basic part of the law, and what makes us a civilised society. Whatever has been said I hope we still are one. And everyone should have a place and a home in society. For some people that's in Prison/secure institutions, whatever, but I don't think an eye for an eye is an answer. I hope I wouldn't even if someone close to me was murdered. Although I, thankfully, can't say that for sure.

Friday, 5 March 2010


Just wondering if telling my boss what I think of him is worth the redundancy money, and poss long search for a job

Sunday, 28 February 2010

is football that important.

You'd think it was a matter of life and death the way some people go on. Although Glasgow after and Old firm game can be a bit dodgy depending on where you go. Might hear how many arrests tomorrow, usually plenty. why care that much? I'm losing interest in football, I am a fan but wouldn't go out of my way too see a game anymore, the money is distorting the game especally in England, and it's no longer something for the fans to watch, it's now a cash cow for people like the Glazers at Man U, certainly at that level and they believe the premiership is king. It's not, but no-one will believe it until a bigger team than Portsmouth fail.

Saturday, 27 February 2010


I feel upset about what's happening over there. I know no-one in Chile, or on the pacific coast even I don't think, but it is still upsetting to see what's happening. too many dead, too many lives no longer lived. And some in the media going on about John Terry, he's an overpaid arsehole, leave that there. A Tsunami is likely to hit Hawaii and the Pacific Coast soon, I hope everyone is safe, I no longer have the belief to pray, but I hope those who do are. We seem to be getting worse weather, worse events like this than normal, or is that just my imagination? Is the earth fighting back against what we've done to it over the years? I'm scared by that thought.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Healh and Safey

I'm 33 now, but I'm a grumpy old man according to folk I work with. Probably fair enough though, some of them are barely out of nappies, and I do tend to rant a little at things, especially with a pint in hand. Used to have a smoke in the other, but hey, you get used to that, although the fact they're still going at smokers worries me, when you've finally got us all in one little corner fenced in who are the sanctimonious buggers going for next. And I know it's really bad for me but when I start caring I'll stop then. Saw in the paper about some 85 year old who demanded a sign in the hearse when he dies saying Smoking Killed me. Took it's time I assume, that's all anyone can hope for. Death taking a detour before coming for you. and getting lost with any luck, or losing the scythe.

Anyway, I sometimes wonder what's worth it with the world, freedom has disappeared, and we're going to hell in a handbasket when people can't take pictures of their own kids as they might be paedophiles, can't get the link but happened in Sunderland, they made him delete the photo but let him take the child away. He was his father but come on, that's not right. Society is screwed up. Freedom to think we still have, when they take that away we're lost. We're heading down that way, but I hope we can steer away. Health and Safety hasn't taken over the world, despite what you may think, the lawyers who sue for the most stupid things actually have, and they win, which pisses me off more actually.

Excuse rambling, will be back tomorrow with another rant.


Saturday, 20 February 2010

Don't vote twitter

Amanda Platell says the idiots who use twitter should be banned from voting. Reactionary much are we? The internet has changed how people think, but she would rather we all stayed in our own boxes and became sheep following "Call me Dave" Cameron into power. I use twitter, if you're interested, and I can think for myself. The people in power don't get the net, and probably won't for about 10 years if you go on how it usually is, but you have to accept that it has changed the world. Yes it can be used to watch porn if that's all you're looking for, but there is so much more to the communication if you use it, let Rebecca Joyce,, tell you about #kickcancer and then tell me it's a bad thing. Positivity is POWER. Thinking for yourself is too, everyone should try it. It has shrunk the world, is that a bad thing? maybe in some ways, but it leads us to become better, and think for ourselves. This is a good thing. Always remember that.

Tiger Woods

think it's between him and his wife, even if she didn't hit him with a 3 iron, its down to her, everyone feels they own the man, but only he does. I just can't see why it's important what he does with his personal life, most guys seeing it would if they could get away with it, he couldn't, too high profile, I'm low profile, but no-one's going to come on to me because of that

Friday, 19 February 2010

Just starting

Decided to start a blog, you will be subjected to my random rantings, ideas, and poetry if you follow or come across this, read or sod off would be the answer there. I'm here for me, not for followers.