Sunday, 7 March 2010

Is it just me?

Think about Jon Venables a minute. He commited an appaling crime, and should not have been released when he was, but he did get released after what I think was an extremely short time for what he did, and we have to deal with that. I'm just not sure when we became a society obsessed with revenge. Some of the comments I've read from people have been horrific. He was 10 years old, but some people think he should have been hanged for it then. Think about that for a second if you agree with their views, you'd kill a 10 year old, whatever he did that isn't the answer. Whatever he's done now, is there a reason for us to be told? Guilt has been predetermined, although if they've recalled him to jail with all the issues that brought up he probably has done something serious, but a fair trial would be impossible and that's a basic part of the law, and what makes us a civilised society. Whatever has been said I hope we still are one. And everyone should have a place and a home in society. For some people that's in Prison/secure institutions, whatever, but I don't think an eye for an eye is an answer. I hope I wouldn't even if someone close to me was murdered. Although I, thankfully, can't say that for sure.

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