Have been seeing a lot of commentary about Wayne Rooney's hair transplant this week. First of this one on the BBC website - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-13665321. I'm not going to say anything about use of the "word" manity here, other than ask if we're introducing fanity for a female equivalent? As that could go horribly wrong in some context. Personally I write this as someone whose hair started disappearing in my mid twenties, and I've never felt that worried about it.
There may be some reason for that, but the comment attributed to James Nesbit in that article suprised me a bit, this says - "he maintained that it has changed his life and that anyone who says going bald isn't horrible "is lying"."
I've never found my lack of hair an issue, it isn't horrible, and I promise I'm not lying to you there. It's not like I've a small gap on the crown, they wouldn't shave that big a gap in the back of my head if I was playing a monk in a medieval TV series, there's now a circle of hair round the bald spot, rather than the bald spot in the middle of the hair. Should I be worried about it? In case you're wondering I'm not.
Also Matthew Norman in the indy today, link -
http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/matthew-norman/matthew-norman-never-mind-the-economy-ill-be-watching-rooneys-growth-2294256.html. I don't think he's being entirely serious, considering the comments about castrating Giggs, although that receding hairline hasn't been used as an excuse yet. But I don't get why you feel comments are an issue, if someone says you're thinning on top, say yes, and? It's just happening, it isn't important. And baldness looks better if you cut your hair right than that awful aubergine colour it goes with the dyed black look, usually with a fake tan to really make you look nuts.
Basically my hairs gone, I have many other issues that caused me problems and smart comments over the years. I don't care about my lack of hair. Bald and, not proud maybe, but unconcerned.
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