Saturday, 2 July 2011

Andy Murray

Andy Murray lost his semi final yesterday. There's been a lot of comment on this and him in the last couple of weeks while everyone pretends to enjoy tennis during Wimbledon. He gets a lot of negative comments due to his perceived arrogance, there are others about how he's another nearly man of british sport. But there are quite a lot of people who don't like him and I'm not certain why.

We can lose the Scottish/British thing out of the way first, tennis players compete under Britain, so while he is a Scot, he's also British. It is possible to be both, although some seem to think, and not just in relation to this, that you can only be English and British, not Scottish or Welsh and British. Although there does seem at times to be more of an issue with Scotland, which is slightly detached and always has been with a separate legal system and possibly a stronger sense of Scottish nationality, but it's still a United Kingdom.

I don't think it has anything to do with the Anyone but England comment a few years ago either, that was another joke, and most people aren't that sensitive. There are hundreds of comments made about the Scots and sport by the English, which everyone apart from a few idiots ignore. It's got nothing to do with hm being Scottish apart from in a few sad minds. So why is one of our most successful individual sportsmen slagged so much. No Grand Slams but 17 career titles to back that idea up.

People moan about his arrogance, but sportsmen are arrogant, and a few of those commenting back some footballers, some of whom are the most arrogant people walking around. Arrogance is ok to a point, and I don't think he oversteps it, and he does tend to praise opponents in defeat although it can get ignored by people whose agenda it does not fit. There is an issue with what seems to be a dryer than some people get sense of humour in his possession, and he can be a sarky and moody bugger but that's apparently forgivable in others. I don't get it, he isn't Tim Henman which seems to offend some of the more pompous tennis set, but that can't be it either. We tend to celebrate others who don't quite hit the heights, although Murray may yet, and that may change peoples minds.

What it could simply be is we can't see yet if he's a plucky loser or a winner, and some can't make up their minds about him on that basis. But I still find it a bit strange. 

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