Friday, 1 July 2011

The Creeping Criminalisation of Smokers

Of the UK population around 21% are classed as regular smokers. Just so you know I am still one of them. Yesterday I came across a link to this story, basically a Buckinghamshire councillor has proposed a law banning smoking anywhere in the town. It spoils the environment and he doesn't see why people should be able to smoke in his face. First point on that, I doubt anyone is coming up to you and blowing smoke in your face, even if you're especially obnoxious. If you are outdoors passive smoking will not have that huge an effect, compared to the cars going past you on the street and the exhaust fumes they spew out. Concerned about the cigarette butts on the ground? Put some bins out for them and fine people who don't use them. Although of course that would cost money and wouldn't be a cheap headline to gather publicity for you. Which is what a lot of these stories seem to be, but they get support from otherwise reasonable people.

The main point is, if you want to ban smoking on the street, is it that much of a stretch just to ban smoking altogether? And why not argue that? What some seem to want is piecemeal banning, gradually reducing places you can smoke until it's physically impossible to actually light up without breaking the law, but still technically legal to smoke. Remember they want to stop it in cars as well. I did see a Doctor apparently seriously quoted as saying that you would be safer driving with the exhaust coming into the car interior than smoking in there. Really? You sure on that one? Also if you ban smoking on the street, and ban smoking inside any public buildings, and if you have children you're not allowed to smoke near them, where are you allowed to smoke? Or you're not allowed to smoke but others are? When does that start going too far with regard to civil liberties?

To be honest I can see some of the points with regard to banning smoking, I don't have kids but can see the argument why you shouldn't smoke in front of them and agree with that. You don't need to encourage anyone to smoke, and no-one wants to do that. I don't have kids, my sister has 2 and my brother in law does smoke, but out the back of the house always, which can be interesting when you visit and go out for a smoke with our weather but you live with that. Same in the pubs now, you go outside and deal with the weather whatever it is. Some shelter, or even a windbreak, is nice, but not essential when you're addicted. The issue with pushing smokers outside isn't just how it looks, it's also that you do hang around the doors if there is no area to go, and anyone coming in has to walk through the cloud of smoke, which even I agree isn't pleasant to have to do, and doesn't exactly give kerb appeal for your premises. But what is the alternative?

As far as I can see there are other choices. First one would be to just ban smoking. Give up on doing it bit by bit and ban it. you will reduce the number of smokers. Freedom of choice? Who worries about it. by doing it gradually you hope people won't notice you reduce it, but why not be honest, lose the taxes you gain from smokers and be done with it. Obvious problem being prohibition doesn't work and you end up with something like the war on drugs but if you think it's right, do it. Stop messing about.

Or you could actually compromise, which might be an idea on drugs as well but I'm not getting into that one here. I saw a comment in a newpaper letters page today saying that there was no way any relaxation of the smoking ban should be allowed, as otherwise you couldn't take your children into the pubs with you. To a point fair enough, but if you spend your quality time with your kids in the pub then there are other issues you have. If you have a pub that allows adults only, or even set up a club specifically with smoking allowed what is the issue there? If you set the law that no-one is forced to work there what exactly would be wrong with it? You can allow smokers to gather in a reasonable place, maybe keep some off the streets and keep them tidier for your councillors and everyone is happy.

You don't want smokers to be happy I know, but you need to consider what you're doing, with regard to everyone. Once they've got the smokers where they want them, which seems to be locked in a room sealed to the rest of the building and only accessible through a skylight via the fire escape, they will then start on your Chardonnay, and your burgers. Don't drink, don't get fat, they'll come after you.

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